Sunday, December 16, 2018


Happiness the word has a great feeling towards anyone's life in the world. everybody in the world want happiness and joy in their life and for that they do everything they can. but the happiness meaning towards and in an every individual life is different some are happy in getting more things, more money, more respect, and some are happy in just having liitle things, little money, and some respect within people, some people find happiness in getting more and more things, and some people just wants some food and that's their happiness.

Image result for poor children smile on having some food

so happiness is just the way we think, we live, we feel either in big things or small small things.
happiness is not something you postpone for your future its something you design for your present.
every sunlight in the mornings brings you day full of happiness, Its just us who we decide what's happiness we choose that day.
In a day like dawn and dusk even happiness will raise up and down.


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Friday, December 14, 2018


Image result for QUOTES ON ENCOURAGE YES, see within yourself, ask yourself, everyday the sun rises and brings us a new day to do something new so don't be discourage if you failed before always encourage yourself today is the new day and it will bring a new opportunity to do something to learn something. every step of our life is a step for learning new lessons just need encouragement, from within inside us or from someone who encourages us to do us.

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MENTOR is someone which has a very important place in our life. they show us, infact teach us how to face the world, to live in that world, to fight against all odds and get to success, they shows us the direction to walk but it all upon us to walk on that direction or not.

Image result for photos and quotes of mentors and students

A mentors could be anyone your school teacher, college lectures, trainers, friends or someone to whom you didn't have met but by seeing it on screens, magazines, or any other way you get inspire and learn and get success, always remember them and respect them because they believed in you when you you did not believe in yourself.

Image result for famous basketball player and his coach photos


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INFLUENCING someone is a great power and it is said that with great powers comes great responsibilities.

Image result for animated photos on quotes with great power comes great responsibilities

so with this power of influencing we can motivate people either in a wrong way or right way. when we  influence people they get energized within them start feeling confidence about that work or thing, so when we try to influence someone remember one thing they should be influenced in a right path, right direction and about right thing. its a great responsibility.


Teach, Influence, Mentor, Encourage
